Shears PBGVs

Welcome to Shears PBGV's!

Please feel free to look around. Or please visit my other kennel Shear Shepherds!


Show Prospects will be sold at 10 days
Obedience/pet prospects will be sold at 5-10 days old.

Because the PBGV is a rare breed here on the game, prices for show quality pups here at SPBGV will be mid to upper ($300+)

Obedience dogs/pups will be sold mid to lower ($300-)

I will usually allow public to breed to my dogs, with one condition I need to view the dog/owner using my stud so any and all studs will be required for approval.

If you are declined from a sale of a dog or stud there was a reason behind it. I have been playing this game for a good while now and have come across a lot of people who have bought dogs from me on a different account etc and then either got closed down, forever homed, or just up and quit the game leaving the dog(s) I just sold them for waste. I ask that if I decline you for whatever reason you take no offense to it and find another breeder/owner/seller.

Can a basic buy from you? Yes, I am basic user friendly but I will be looking at your kennel to make sure the dog I sell to you won't put you over a limit/farther over a limit and/or it won't be neglected. Remeber basic users yall can only have 5 dogs at one time. =)

Why are your studs so cheap to breed to? I make the amount based on the dogs current stats and how well he does in the ring show or obed. Usually I will keep the price low to bring the breed back a bit. But again I require approval first.

The dog I want from you isn't for sale, but could I still ask about it? Yes you can ask, but chances are if it isn't for sale at that given time it might not be for a long time if ever. But if you like the dog I have enough and I can breed it we can talk about a potential puppy.

*more Q&A to follow*

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#587,014)
Location: USA
Signed Up: 3/24/2009
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 4/18/2009

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters